Sonic Sound™ is unique, patented advanced digital signal processing (DSP) that preserves the natural sound quality provided by the human cochlea. By employing a nonlinear strategy that separates the input signal into 24 independent compression channels, Sonic Sound™ delivers an optimal listening and communication experience.
What makes Sonic Sound™ so natural?
24 Compression Channels
Variable Compression Time Constants
Frequency-Shaped Time Constants
Symmetric Attack and Release
iNR™ uses both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the input level of the noise to calculate the optimal level of noise reduction. In addition, iNR™ examines the frequency content of the input and applies varying degrees of reduction based on the hearing loss in specified regions.
What makes iNR™ so unique?
Sensitive to both the SNR and the input level of the noise
Operates independently in each of the 24 compression channels
Degree of reduction is frequency based, with more aggressive iNR™ where the loss is mild and less iNR™ where preservation of all sounds is important.
Velocity ITE
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